Your corporation can make a difference for the veteran community.
Thank you for your interest
in supporting the
National Veteran-Owned Business Association as a
NaVOBA Corporate Ally.
This corporate commitment clearly demonstrates
your firm is dedicated to including veteran-owned firms as suppliers.
Eligible NaVOBA Corporate Allies® must, at a minimum, have a Supplier policy inclusive of veteran-owned and/or service-disabled, veteran-owned businesses.
All large corporations and organizations that choose to support the mission of the National Veteran Owned Business Association benefit from the exposure and goodwill of the nation’s exclusive third-party certifier of Veteran’s and Service-Disabled Veteran’s Business Enterprises (VBE/SDVBEs). Supporting NaVOBA enhances community outreach and supplier recruitment and gains visibility for your company’s leaders and brand.
Exposure to NaVOBA’s engaged community of veterans continues year-round through numerous outreach opportunities including, but not limited to:
- NaVOBA’s Yearly Conference
- Quarterly Matchmaking events
- Bi-weekly veteran’s enterprise e-newsletter
- Recognition on NaVOBA Website
- Virtual trainings and webinars
- Printed conference promotional materials, and
- Comprehensive digital marketing campaign including e-mail, Facebook, LinkedIn, X and other social and digital media platforms
In addition, there are numerous benefits with various levels of sponsorship for large corporations and other organizations that generously support America’s premier supplier diversity development organization for America’s U.S. Military Veterans.
NaVOBA’s mission is to create corporate contracting opportunities for America’s Veteran’s and Service-Disabled Veteran’s Business Enterprises® (VBEs/SDVBEs) through certification, advocacy, outreach, recognition and education.
Thank you for your interest in the National Veteran Owned Business Association’s Certified Veteran’s Business Enterprise® (VBE) and Certified Service-Disabled Veteran’s Business Enterprise® (SDVBE) programs. This initiative creates a nationally recognized gold standard in certification for veteran-owned businesses of all sizes and enables corporate America to proactively source and confidently utilize businesses that are at least 51% owned, operated and controlled by U.S. military veterans.