Get VBE/SDVBE Certified

Thank you for your interest in the National Veteran Owned Business Association’s Certified Veteran’s Business Enterprise™ (VBE) and Certified Service-Disabled Veteran’s Business Enterprise™ (SDVBE) programs. This initiative creates a nationally recognized gold standard in certification for veteran-owned businesses of all sizes and enables corporate America to proactively source and confidently utilize businesses that are at least 51% owned, operated and controlled by U.S. military Veterans.

Before we begin with the application, we wanted to ensure you fully understand what to expect with the application process as well as how to use your certification once your firm is approved.

First, this is not affiliated with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or the U.S. Small Business Administration VOSB/SBVOSB certification through the Center for Verification and Evaluation. VBE™ certification is a private-sector program that mirrors those certifications that already exist for Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) and Women’s Business Enterprises (WBEs) selling to corporate America.

Second, all applicants must provide significant documentation to validate that your firm is in fact veteran-owned. Corporations can’t risk reporting spending with firms that are owned by veterans if they aren’t absolutely certain of the ownership, operation, and control. VBE™ certification provides that certainty.

Third, NaVOBA’s Certified Veteran’s Business Enterprise™ (VBE) and Certified Service-Disabled Veteran’s Business Enterprise™ (SDVBE) firms all will have gone through an on-site interview at their business location to validate the information amassed in the initial document review.

Finally, just like with all other private sector certifications, all applicant firms must pay a fee to process the application.


  • What type of business does NOT qualify for NaVOBA certification?

    Each application is carefully reviewed to ensure the certification criteria is met. But certain businesses, such as brokers, agents, and some franchises, are not eligible for certification. Non-profit businesses do not qualify for certification. This list is not all inclusive and there can be other reasons why a company does not qualify. If you have any questions, we recommend you schedule a 1:1 meeting with our certification director before beginning your application.

  • Will this certification help my business get government contracts?

    No it will not. The federal government does not require third-party certification. VBE/SDVBE certification is focused on private sector contracting with NaVOBA’s Corporate Allies.

  • Who authorized NaVOBA to certify my business?

    NaVOBA’s Certified VBE® and Certified SDVBE® credentials are offered in response to the need expressed by NaVOBA’s Corporate Allies.

  • Why do I have to get certified?

    You don’t. This certification is a marketing tool you can use to do business with corporations that want to work with Certified VBEs® and Certified SDVBEs®. If your customer matrix does not include these firms, forego the cost and effort of applying for certification.

  • Why do I have to pay to get certified?

    First of all, understand that the application fee is non-refundable. The process required to certify that one or more veterans legitimately own, operate, and control a business concern requires skilled staff and a lengthy review, coupled with a site visit. Simply put, it’s expensive to do. It must be viewed as a hunting license. If you do not intend to hunt, don’t buy the license.

  • How long is my certification good for?

    Three (3) Years! That's right, a NaVOBA certification is valid for 1,095 days!

  • What is the fee structure?

    The application fee is based on your company’s most recent annual revenue.

    Less Than $1 Million - $350

    $1 Million - $4.99 Million - $550

    $5 Million - $9.99 Million - $800

    $10 Million - $19.99 Million - $1,200

    $20 Million - $49.99 Million - $1,500

    $50 Million or Greater - $2,000

  • Why do corporations want me to get certified?

    Corporate supplier diversity programs have been around for decades. The established standard for those firms to buy from minority- or women-owned businesses requires that a third party such as the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) or the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) certify those supplier firms to ensure they are actually spending money with deserving firms.

    If you wish to continue with submitting an application for certification, click here.

  • What Are the Next Steps?

    Initiating the certification application process consists of four steps:

    Acknowledgement and Agreement of the requirements and expectations of Certification Validating your veteran status through our external partners including the National Archives and/or GovX

    Making the appropriate non-refundable payment based on company revenue

    Completing the Application form

    Submitting application-related documents, based on company type

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