Join us on Marching Forward Mondays for the Corporate Engagement Hour as we learn about business opportunities with the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority. The MWAA plans, provides and actively manages world class access to the global aviation system in a way that anticipates and serves the needs of the National Capital area.
The Authority’s mission is to develop, promote, and operate safely Reagan National and Dulles International airports, continually striving to improve efficiency, customer orientation, and the level of air service offered at National and Dulles.
Join us for opening remarks from MWAA’s Board members Mark Uncapher and Robert W. Lazaro, Jr. Next, Scott Jimmo, Contracts Manager and Wande Leintu, Deputy Vice President, Supplier Diversity, will share valuable information about upcoming opportunities and how to position your business to be competitive for business opportunities with MWAA.
NaVOBA’s mission is to create corporate contracting opportunities for America’s Veteran’s and Service-Disabled Veteran’s Business Enterprises® (VBEs/SDVBEs) through certification, advocacy, outreach, recognition and education.
Thank you for your interest in the National Veteran Owned Business Association’s Certified Veteran’s Business Enterprise® (VBE) and Certified Service-Disabled Veteran’s Business Enterprise® (SDVBE) programs. This initiative creates a nationally recognized gold standard in certification for veteran-owned businesses of all sizes and enables corporate America to proactively source and confidently utilize businesses that are at least 51% owned, operated and controlled by U.S. military veterans.