No less than 3% of the total dollar amount of State contracts, as defined by the Director of Central Management Services, shall be established as a goal to be awarded to SDVOSB and VOSB. That portion of a contract under which the contractor subcontracts with an SDVOSB or VOSB may be counted toward the goal of this subsection." It also states that "Each year, each chief procurement officer shall review the progress of all state agencies under its jurisdiction in meeting the goal described in subsection
(a), with input from statewide veterans service organizations and the business community, including businesses owned by qualified veterans, and shall make recommendations to be included in the Department of Central Management Services' report to the General Assembly regarding continuation, increases, or decreases of the percentage goal. The recommendations shall be based on the number of businesses that are owned by qualified veterans and on the continued need to encourage and promote businesses owned by qualified veterans."
NaVOBA’s mission is to create corporate contracting opportunities for America’s Veteran’s and Service-Disabled Veteran’s Business Enterprises® (VBEs/SDVBEs) through certification, advocacy, outreach, recognition and education.
Thank you for your interest in the National Veteran Owned Business Association’s Certified Veteran’s Business Enterprise® (VBE) and Certified Service-Disabled Veteran’s Business Enterprise® (SDVBE) programs. This initiative creates a nationally recognized gold standard in certification for veteran-owned businesses of all sizes and enables corporate America to proactively source and confidently utilize businesses that are at least 51% owned, operated and controlled by U.S. military veterans.