VBE Spotlight Questionnaire

Thank you for your interest in being featured in a NaVOBA Veteran’s Business Enterprise® (VBE) Spotlight. These Spotlights are a unique feature showcased on the NaVOBA website, shared across our social media platforms, and included in NaVOBA’s national e-newsletter. They offer a valuable opportunity to highlight the services your business provides to NaVOBA’s Corporate Allies and other Certified VBEs/SDVBEs.

To be considered, you must complete and return the accompanying questionnaire. Incomplete submissions, or those lacking the requested photography will not be considered.

If you have any questions or would like to submit your firm for consideration, please email  marketing@navoba.org.

Company Information

Veteran Information

Biography / Fun Facts (choose 3)

  • In 10 years, you see yourself....
  • People might be interested to know that....
  • What is your favorite TV show?
  • What is your favorite sports team?
  • What's in your refrigerator?
  • What artists are on your favorite playlist?
  • What is your dream car?
  • What do you do to relax?
  • What would you be doing if you weren't a business owner?


Photography is essential to the success of the profile.  All images should be in focus and high-resolution (preferably 300 dpi) in JPEG format.  We realize some of the militray shots may be older and not as clear.  This should not be a problem.  Please provide the following:

  • Head and shoulders photo of the VBE
  • Photo of the VBE in military uniform
  • Company logo
  • * At least three photos of the business "in action".

Contact information (not for publication)

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