Rank: 1 Stars
House Bill 4283 took effect in 2006 and provides a preference for West Virginia resident veterans in procuring state contracts. With all other aspects being equal, veterans will be awarded a contract when competing with out-of-state vendors as long as the bid does not exceed 3.5 percent of the competing bid.
SB 515: "A veteran-owned business, as defined in §59-1-2a(a)(13) of this code, commenced 162 on or after July 1, 2015, is exempt from paying the annual report fee, required by this section, for 163 the first four years after its initial registration...
The Boots to Business Waiver (West Virginia Code 59-1-2a) was passed by the West Virginia legislature in 2015. With potential savings of up to $250, this program waives both the initial fee to register your business as well as the fee to file your annual reports for the first four years through the Secretary of State’s office. In 2021, the West Virginia legislature extended the reach of the Boots to Business waiver from service members to also include the spouses of veterans or military members.
HB 2064 in 2019 states "in any instance that a purchase of commodities or printing by the director or by a state department is required under the provisions of this article to be made upon competitive bids, if the bid of a vendor which is owned at least 51 percent by a resident, honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces, the Reserves or the National Guard, and that vendor’s bid does not exceed the lowest qualified bid from a business not owned at least 51 percent by a resident, honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces, the Reserves or the National Guard, by more than five percent of the latter bid, and if the veteran-owned vendor has made written claim for the preference at the time the bid was submitted, the veteran vendor shall be the successful bid."
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